• Financial Decisions

    Financial Decisions

    Managing Investments, Bank Accounts, Dealing with Creditors, Forensic Accounting

  • Legal Coordination

    Legal Coordination

    Trustee and Estate Administration

  • Health Decisions

    Health Decisions

    Ongoing advocacy on behalf of client insurance matters, obtaining benefits, reviewing policies, applying and follow through on claims

  • Property

    Property Transactions, Property Management

  • Transitions

    When you or your loved one is ready for the next step, we can help.

Solutions for Estate Planning Attorneys

Court supervised or privately engaged solutions for your clients such as:

  • Nominations or appointments when there are no local or traditional alternatives for trustee, Power of Attorney, health care agent, executor or estate administrator
  • Replacement for a declining or removed trustee or administrator
  • Trustees for Special Needs Trusts 
  • Trustees for certain life insurance trusts
  • Other special court appointments

Note: To ensure we are good fit for your clients, we review a draft of the estate planning documents or proposed court filings before meeting with potential trustors, beneficiaries, principals or heirs.